progress report….

Well, I’ve managed to get a little completely off track since, a) deciding that my kids need less time on the computer and television (I may be a little nuts, but it had to happen, but it means less time for me as well: guess who’s entertaining them!) and, b) a case of food poisoning knocked me on my ass, and apparently breached the castle walls for a really bad cold (which felt like pneumonia for a couple of days).
I’m still trying to get my head back in the game – especially after a random case of the blues hit…nobody ever expects Pablo Picasso!!

And then, spring (against the odds, man) seems to have arrived – adding further distraction in the form of blue skies and temperatures that don’t make you want to immediately run back inside. But this happens every year, so that’s why I’m countering it with goaltending. My writing being the puck, and distractions being the jerks on skates trying to steal it from me. On target…yeah…here’s what else is on my mind as the warmer weather looms:

  • Finally getting all the unused, garbage-y, purposeless (to us) stuff out of our house – really. Well, I’m not going to go all minimalist or anything,  but a purge is overdue. And I’m a magpie, so it might be hard….
  • Get the garden back in running order – going to ditch the hesitancy in planting, and go ALL OUT. Just need more dirt and maybe another raised bed. Maybe a LOT more dirt.
  • A camping trip from our New Englandy roost down to Missouri, where 3 of 7 of my hubby’s sibs reside – one of whom will be a first-time dad with his wife (yay!). I foresee traveling through North Carolina (where I went to school), and finding some awesome barbeque – I do love a pig pickin’…and it’s why I can’t ever be a vegetarian.

Through all this, I must find a way to stay on course, somehow, so…yeah, that’s why I do this blogging thing. To remind myself of what I’m supposed to be doing. Yeah. Thank god the kids aren’t home yet!